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Interesting facts

about disinfectants

In hygienic controlled areas, besides the cleaning of rooms and product contact/non-product contact surfaces, an equal focus is placed on disinfection.

Disinfection can be carried out in a variety of different ways.

Selecting the right disinfectant is not always easy. With our comparison charts we provide you with a comprehensible overview, which should make the selection easier for you. For further questions please contact us!

Reduction of microorganisms

by means of Cleaning Hygienisation Disinfection Sterilisation
Definition elimination of
measures that go beyond cleaning put into a non-infectious state make it germ-free
Claim reduction of
does not claim to be germ-free lg reduction of bacteria / yeasts /
fungi: 5 levels,
viruses: 4 levels
lg reduction1 of microorganisms:
6 levels

1) decimal-logarithmic reduction

Technology ablation (elution)
• mechanical
• chemical
• thermal/physical
killing (elimination)
• chemical
• thermal/physical in the so-called
ice sanitation by cold + ozone (O3)
killing (elimination)
• thermal/physical
• thermochemical
• chemical
killing (elimination)
• thermal/physical
• chemical


When using disinfectant products, take into consideration that their residual quantities or rather their residues must be removed in regular intervals.

The use of low residue products can ensure that the follow-up treatment will require clearly less consumables and time. Thus the selective use of suitable products can reduce costs and the production process can be designed more efficient.


Recognised international standards are e.g.:

EN 13697:2019-10

Bactericidal and/or fungicidal efficacy

lg reduction by 4 levels (bactericidal) /
lg reduction by 3 levels (fungicidal)

Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative non-porous surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas – Test method and requirements without mechanical action (phase 2, step 2)


EN 13704:2018

Sporicidal efficacy

lg reduction by 3 levels

Chemical disinfectants – Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas – Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1)


EN 1650:2019

Fungicidal or yeasticidal efficacy

lg reduction by 4 levels (fungicidal) /
lg reduction by 4 levels (yeasticidal)

Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas – Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1)


EN 1276:2019

Bactericidal efficacy

lg reduction by 5 levels

Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas – Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1)


EN 14476:2013+A2:2019

Virucidal efficacy

lg reduction by 4 levels

Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity in the medical areas – Test method and requirements (Phase 2/Step 1)


EN 16615:2015

Bactericidal and yeasticidal efficacy

lg reduction by 5 levels (bactericidal) /
lg reduction by 4 levels (yeasticidal)

Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative test method for the evaluation of bactericidal and yeasticidal activity on non-porous surfaces with mechanical action employing wipes in the medical area (4-field test) – Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2)


Please choose the category of your interest.

Alcohol based disinfectants

In microbiological controlled areas, disinfectants are among the most important consumer goods.

Alcohol saturated wipes

The sterile wipes and mop wipes are available in different reclosable packaging units and sizes for different areas of application.

Disinfectants on basis of non-alcoholic ingredients

Biocides are single active ingredients or mixtures that render harmful organisms (bacteria, viruses, spores, fungi or yeasts) harmless or kill them.

Biocides with sporicidal activity

Sporicides kill bacteria and fungal spores, vegetative microorganisms and viruses. As chemical oxidants, they react with critical systems in microbial cells, causing rapid destruction.

Additional products

Other necessary and useful products can be utilities and solutions to thoroughly clean the rooms or remove the residues.

Hand hygiene

Not only surfaces or products must be cleaned and disinfected, but also the hands. The hand hygiene system is used for cleaning and disinfection as well as for protection and care.

Klercide™ / Klerwipe™

Product use and application recommendations




Guide to surface contamination control

