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Interesting facts

about cleanroom adhesive tapes and labels


Why cleanroom suitable adhesive tapes?

If you use standard adhesive tapes, for example from a DIY shop, you could bring unknown contamination into your cleanroom. Cleanroom adhesive tape however is manufactured from high – grade material and cleaned twice, packaged and controlled in a cleanroom so that the particle emission is significantly reduced.

A renowned manufacturer has compared his cleanroom adhesive tape for particle emission with a common adhesive tape.

The following values were determined.

Particle emission comparison cleanroom tape standard tape
Particle size 0.3 µm 1 351
Particle size 0.5 µm O 146

Which adhesive tape or label is most suitable for your application?

The choice of the backing material and adhesive plays a crucial role. Below some advantages and disadvantages of the various backing materials and characteristics of the adhesives to help in the selection process.

Requirements for cleanroom adhesive tapes

General requirements profileSpecial requirements depending
on application
• high cleanliness
• low particle shed
• plastic core
• chemical resistant
• low outgasing of the adhesives
• production under controlled conditions
• double packed
• residue-free removal
• high resilience
• autoclavability
• ESD-suitability
• high elasticity
• high temperature consistency
• tapes with special hazard warning print
• double-sided adhesive area
• tapes with indicator function for steam sterilisation
• availability in different finishes

Adhesive tapes and labels

Please choose the category of your interest.

Adhesive tapes

Cleanroom tapes are made of high-quality materials and are subsequently cleaned, packaged and controlled in the cleanroom so that particle generation is significantly lower.

Dispensers for adhesive tapes

Cleanroom suitable dispensers for tapes are characterized by a very high abrasion resistance, low particle generation and chemical resistance.

Labels for cleanrooms

Furthermore, we offer a variety of cleanroom-suitable labels in different designs and cleanroom appropriate thermal printers.